Summer soccer has begun - yes the so called beautiful game, except we have to travel to the incestual, bogan, hole town that is sussex inlet. Its a mixed competition which is always interesting, im pretty content with defending against some petite, pretty female humans.
So yeah the Shoestrings are back with soccer fever and we established this with a 10-4 drubbing last night against the opposing typical sussex jokes - the Top Guns. Definitly nothing top about their guns last night as shawny, ian, and I ran loops around their defence in the second half. The Top Guns were clearly tired and deteriorating in the second half and we took full advantage. Shout outs go to big baldy who somehow learnt my name and continnued to yell out "ads" every 5 minutes during the second half. First win to the shoeys - my plan is to actually have everyone on the team doing actual shoeys with some goon or passion pop whilst changing subs - would be pretty sweet, either that or to celebrate a victory.
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