OK so im always getting razzed up for missing 21st's but this time Morgan Hives i have a completely legitimate reason...
Mest are like the funnest, super most cajsh pop punk band yever.. they remind me of the old Tension days and bodyboarding when the likes of Beau Day and Idris "come back tour" Wais were on the foam. So im fairly spewin im gonna miss not only my best mates 21st but this super wicked band playing at the uni bar tommorow night. Prac teaching for 5 weeks straight, non paid, has singlehandedly ruined my night life aspirations - hence why i have had no choice but to detox for the last 4 weeks one more cant hurt. Anyway morgan im sorry and im frikin that cut on what should be a bullshit night - happy birth fest bruzza - get some babe loving for me. FUCK MY LIFE.
I forgive you Adam. They didn't even play Misunderstood. The Song off Tension. hahahahahaha so fucked