Shack City brings you the hot topics, the exclusive interviews.. and this is no different we are kicking off with the first ever Brendan Clark Interview. The man has also been kind enough to send us a photo of himself for all of those wondering what he looks like, also for all the babes out there too as brendan will tell you.. they love the blonde hair blue eye combo. The facebook man of mystery, some say the Matty West of Black Rock, lets delve into the mind of this interesting human.
AQ - ok rippo, here we go. BC = Brendan Clark.
1) First of all the question on everyones lips.. Who is Brendan Clark? describe yourself.
BC - Im 16, Live in sanctuary point, have blonde hair with blue eyes , and always out pipe on the pump.
2) Cyclone Zack, Matty West, there are some crazy characters in the bodyboarding world - real and made up. How do you feel when people always ask "who the fuck is that Brendan Clark guy" ?
BC - Yeah it makes me feel good that my photography is getting around everywhere.
3) But yer is it your photography or you constant facebook status updates?
BC - i dont know man
4) You and Johnny Murray.. would you say theres a rivalry?
BC - yeah at times......
5) How many windows do you open up on facey chat every night?
BC - Around 20 or more haha.
6) Your a photographer.. whats your favourite conditions to shoot and what riders?
BC - My Favourite conditions would be on sunny, glassy days.. and my riders would be Adam Quinn,Morgan Brown,Ronald Mcleod, and Glen Thurston.
7) Describe perfect pipe for you..
BC - Glassy 4-5Ft.
8) Photography is bloody expensive, how do you afford that shit.. do you work?
BC - Yeah i work on weekends and my mum normally gives me money for my camera's.
9) I once called a chick i was seeing "baby girl" and my friends never forgave me.. should they forgive me for this?
BC - Yeah they should forgive you because its being cute with your girl hahaha....
10) How does Brendan Clark pick up girls.. where, when, how.. i want strategies.. pick up techniques..
BC - Gotta be my blonde hair and blue eye's,On facebook or surfing.,In the holidays or w/ends and My sweet talking...,
and i reckon you should keep calling your girl "baby girl" cause they love it!
11 )What were you thinking that day going to nuggen on a 2ft north east swell with howling north east winds?
BC - Just thinking of some wave's for once and getting out of the house.
12) What is Brendan Clarks Favourite word?
BC - I dont really have a Favourite word..
13) What is style in the water?
BC - Style is having good technique and doing the biggest airs.
14) Best grom at pipe?
BC - Best grom at pipe would be joel mcleod.
15) Who should have their own section in Shack City?
BC - I think ronald mcleod should have his own section.
16) What do you think Shack City will be like?
BC - It should alot better then I wouldnt normally produce a film. Also should be the sickest movie on the south coast.
AQ - Thanks Brendan Clark.. love your work.