Every Sunday I eagerly await my weekly phone call from one of my best mates Kimberly Zammit. Usually it kicks off with a bit of surf banter before i usually razz him into telling me about babes and his own sexual conquests of the past. As dawn turned to dusk i found my phone disturb me from my chicken and gravy. Zamm and i have a little chat about pipe and our weekend surfs, then he tells me how he is on the way back from a UFC match.. This kind of blew my mind as i thought it was illegal in Australia for some reason. Anyway he starts going on like "ohhh man you should have seen the chicks there" again my mind is blown.. who would have thought hot babelings love watching gigantuan blokes belting the living flowing fluids out of each others bodies. Apparently so Zammit says there were groups and groups of chicks there just frothing on this crazy sport. "aww yer i had the binoculars out just looking at chicks most of the time fuck the fights". Dont worry Zamm obvs id be doing the exact same thing. So there you go listen to the lobbies king himself. Next time your looking to meet or pick up a female human.. don't worry about night clubs, forget coffee shops, disregard grocery shopping.. possibly try a UFC match.. Cheers Zamoot!
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