HD is the new black - well im pretty sure, seems as though everything these days is going digital or HD: television channels such as One HD, and over the last few years now bodyboarding movies. Its about time we kept up with the "Jones's".
About a month ago now i was filming Russ out pipe shralping on our twin fin, soo hilarious to watch then he shocked me and got his first stand up tube on film. Soon as he came in to claim it and swap over i let go of the camera and a swift wind knocked it into a rock pool. Soo sickening i knew it was officially fucked straight away. Due to it not being our camera also i felt worse, had to find the exact same camera and purchase it on ebay for shawnys mum.
Anyway today we purchased our new camera a JVC gz-hm200 high definition. BOOM. May not be top of the range but still its a step up from the 1 chip Sony handycam used for our first film. Pretty excited to start using it and clocking up the good footage and shacks. Yooooooooow see you through the lens...
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