Famous quote from Kim Zammit in our last movie "I Wouldn't Normally". This time however Korrey Smith is the buck. For the last month or so ive been counting down the days until this weekend. One of my good mates Korrey "K time" Smith is getting married in March and this saturday night is his bucks night. 25 of Korreys closest mates will venture down to bawley pt for paintball, tows, waves, female entertainment (didnt realise strippers would be so committed as to drive down from Sydney to Bawley pt, but for $850, id pretty much do anything as well) and some massive crazy house party shenanigans. Just the thought of 25 dudes venturing down bawley for one big night blows my mind. I have never had a mate getting married and im quite the bucks night virgin which only excites me more, so much alcohol and write offs all weekend. I always here wollongong fellas "aw soo worried for dobo or dixon's health tongiht" ohh OOAHHH EETT shut the fuck up you Fuckin Pussys they have literally nothing on the state korrey smith will end up in come Sunday morning. 25 dudes pumping him full of paint, towing him into guillos all day then making him consume more alcohol than the weight of the strippers busty rack (which is pretty dam big) and then again to the power of 15. Pretty sure me plus the other 24 dudes will ensure Korrey Smith will far surpass the state of MANISHED. So many times i have seen his glass house appearances, dancing with anything, alcohol stains covering 90% of his shirt and pants and still able to skull a schooner in some ridiculous time of like 1.98 seconds. Only person ive seen skull quicker is John Boy. Swear he is one of the heaviest drinkers i know. On our mate simo's bday pub crawl, on the bus up he was made to skull the dregs of everyone on the buses drinks from a yard glass and still managed not to spew. Anyway this weekend cannot approach quick enough... wish us all luck ya macccccccs.
PHOTOS: Korrey and his wife to be, K Time wedding garment scoop at the boot
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