"BEST WEEKEND OF MY LIFE" - quote from possibly every single person that attended korrey smiths final weekend of freedom with his good mates. After suffering from a harrowing stomach bug all week i was amping to say the least once waking up saturday morning feeling mighty fresh. Packed the car pretty early and the convoy of 12 cars ventured down to ulladulla at 8am for paintball. Being the tight man i am, i was fairly clickin over the $90 i had to slam down for paintball, but pretty sure it went for like 3 hours and was that much fun immitating some crazzed up army dudes running around shooting your best mates in the ass. The owners were that rad allowing me and matt to fire a few shots off the course and at lynchy and ricardo who couldnt play due to injuries. Beers and a bbq quickly cooled everyone down after the excessive amount of ducking and weaving and shooting that had taken place.
After paintball the convoy convulged onto bawley point.. the area chosen for our/korrey smiths demise. Got to the house to find the place sitting right on the rocks directly looking into supers.. that good, few beers sunk mindsurfing dry supers closeouts then onto the ocean. We all reached tow beach at bawley to find fair bit of swell and offshores AMAZING. Matt and korreys skis were thrown in straight away and almost everyone jumped in the water for shoreys/churchils/tows/guilos even jackson (morgs non surfing brother) who manage to flounder into some shories. Everyone rotated getting in and out of the water watching, until chap arrived with the beer bong. Korrey eventually left the water and tows to break in the new beer bong, then headed back out for more tows and to surf til dark. Most of us bailed back to the house to start getting all boozy, talk chit and discuss plans for the stripper. We had this amazingly wild idea of blindfolding Smithy, taping him to a chair then getting the stripper to whisper in his ear. But insted hav Zammit topless with some chocolate sauce so that korrey could feel up and caress zamm in front of us all.
Day quickly turned to night and drinks were flowing vastly, especially out of the beer bong which was forced upon everyone including Mark "Straight edge" howie downing two lifts through it. So much chanting, so much drinking - Bodyboard veteran Tau Whiu magically appeared out of the blue also and the beer bong was quickly thrust into his mouth until he caught up to everyone elses manished state. Korrey Smith did a valiant effort, he owned the beer bong, pretty positive he would have had at least a case of beers through the beer bong . I have no idea if he was doing secro spews around the back or what but he was still standing by the time the stripper called in at like 10.30.
I wont go into to much detail surrounding the stripper due to girlfriend factors but Korrey Smith put on an amazing show by out Pon-ing (Being a show pony - J.Dixon 06) the stripper big time. What ever she was doing Korrey was up for it caressing, fondling, gulping, licking, humping, not sure how many other wild transitive verbs i can use without being too crude. But by the end of the show Korrey Smith was in amazing form naked, flacet, manished and still trying to chase the stripper around the house.
Next morning we woke to find offshores again and the swell still rolling through, Matt "Edward" Young Invited the whole crew back to his peaceful little town for a surf in which the whole bucks crew took over and dominated. AMAZING Times.. more photos to come..PHOTOS(Top to bottom): Beginning tows Matt young, The crew - mayhem bound, Jacko and Korrey, Zamm as the stripper, Tau labelling the Matt young "mono", chap beer bong, Chap next day surf sesh.
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