A website thats taken off over the last few months is www.chatroulette.com this site is crazzzzzzzzzy. Just imagine your on a regular chat site on your webcam and everytime u press the f9 button you can switch to some random character on their webcam on the other side of the world. Everyone who has a webcam should try it. Newcastle rippo Tom Winter got me into it and he reacons he's seen some wild sights.. "its mainly fat dudes wanking, but every now and then you luck into a hot babe" according to Mr winter. Pretty sure its Anthony Showmans dream site. Here is a photo of Matt Young and Nick Perry on chat roulette thinking their chatting to Jessica Alba.. as Dicko would say "not fucking juance".. There are soo many fakes on it of celebrity recordings and stuff. still such an amazing sight.. so good to look at with mates.
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