Appin Laura:
The original Deity/heiress/groupie of the wollongong bodyboarding fraternity turned Sydney scene queen fashionista. Appin Laura started off with humble beginnings as a slender 16 year old when i first met her dating my brother at his secro wollongong house or otherwise known as "smash pad" - to the travelling south coast crew who would descend upon its location every wednesday night. After causing a few dramas between the fellas who aspired to snavel a quick pash with the infamouse Laura Ford she seemed to have been banished from the Bodyboarding scene until latching on to an up and coming Ryan "saddog" mattick. Throughout the years she proceeded to razz up a few other Bodyboarders on her path to destruction before she was of the legal 18+ age bracket. The name "Appin Laura" originated from her place of residence whom was found out one morning after a well known Wollongong bodyboarding filmmaker (some may say hes Crazy) offered politely to drive her home after a big wednesday night. Appin Laura swiftly lied about her residence the night before saying she only lived in Thirroul, however to the shock horror of the fellows realisation Laura actually lived in Appin which was by all means no quick easy latenight/pash and dash/wed nyt/chick razzing/drop off mission. I would have given atleast $78 (my current bank balance) to be a fly on the wall of that car the moment she told him of the treck he eventually had to make.
PHOTO: Appin Laura in her Prime: Some Sydney festival absolutely MANISHED.