Was quite a big weekend in the bodyboarding world (south coast vicinity) this weekend. Todd Barnes had his movie premiere for Thrash'd and all those not in attendence giving their eyesockets a workout were at Future music giving their jaws a good workout insted. Mixed reports of Thrash'd but for me all the spec effects, editing and music left me in awe and still pondering if anyone can keep up with the IAMNONE films. Unfortunately i didnt get to venture out for the after party, alas i was able to enjoy my weekend regardless. Woke up sunday morning pretty agg and neg about the prospect of another day watching tv and tuning babes on facey.. fortunatly that never eventuated. 9 am received a call from Lewie claiming pipe was miraculously 3ft somehow and to get the hell out there. Russ, jono and i wolfed down breaky and proceeded to head out. Knowing full well about Lewie's grommet frothing surf reports i suggested to taking the twin fin out fully expecting to be greeted by only 1-2ft waves. Got to the shore and russ was instant neg and glad we brought the BT (Barry Taylor stand up twin fin). The session was super fun, small 1-2ft waves noone out so sik for a stand up shralp... loving life.
PICS: pretty funny how russ and i both have the same one footed wounded duck stance..
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