Friday morning saw an early departure for shawny, Russ and I from our humble aboad for a gig that night to see indy scene rockers the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Obviously like most.. the trip upto sydney usually has everyone in high spirits as we sung songs and waved at chicks in cars heading the same direction. However this soon changed as i managed to convince russ for a piss stop 20mins out from Engadine. 2 hours in the car so all three of us hopped out into the nearest bush to relieve ourselves from the solid amount of liquid we were consuming on this hot day stuck in traffic.
"ohhhhhhhahhhhh oooooohhht" Five seconds later a cop swings around erratically in the middle dirt lane of the highway, pulls up directly behind us. Shawn and I had just finished, with Russ taking a bit longer to get fly to belt buckle. Straight away we could tell the cop was aggrevated from some prior incident or totally over not being able to pick anyone up for anything this day. He was fairly clicking about our piss stop for who knows why.. possibly to justify his reason for the fine we were all about to recieve. I was waiting for Russ's stock standart police call.. "ohh this is totally just revenue raising".. alas the cops bad temper kind of left no words for discussion. "Fines in the mail fellas".. obviously still wondering what the hell was going on and still a bit amused surrounding the situation.. we questioned as to how much and what for.. expecting a measly $50 fine or something. "its $200 boys each for Offensive Behaviour". Shocked by the words he had just spoken we all bursted out with "aww what do ya mean".. nuff said the cop was out leaving us gob smacked and wondering if that was all just a dream.
We all managed to get over our fines as we told every person who was willing to listen that night.. as jordo said theres probably "$200 worth of story telling in that". As its school holidays and im just doing pizza delivery i was the only one still losing my mind over the fine. Pretty sure i have no respect at all for police men who are obviously just out to fill up their quota for the day.
Anyway, that all behind us we managed to have a bullshit day in the city: shopping, perving on female humans, and eventually dinner and drinks at our hotel. One bottle of Rose' down and i was feeling pretty pissssed. We managed to link up two taxis for the 6 of us (Russ, me, Shawn, Jordo, adele and gemma). Our taxi driver was the biggest ledge tellin us about how to get digits whilst driving ppl aruond and joining in as we wrote people off in the streets. Russ the big wig even gave him a $8.00 tip. At the gig met up with Morgan and his official GF Hezzy Sparks. Perfect buzz on by then and we were all jumping around to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs literally blowing up on stage. Lead guitarist Nick has to be my hero after that, so pure, and Karen O managing like 1000 wardrobe changes in the space of 5 seconds. Russ and jordo left the floor and found some seats amongst some Indian people. Apparently they were welcomed by the crew given free alcoholic beverages and as a tribute to the end of the YYY Russ joined in as the whole crew took of their shoes and threw their socks at the stage..
We all met up after the gig with russ and jordo and everyone well and truly manished, Russ walking around like some new fashionista with pointy toes his jeans rolled up and no socks. The walk home consisted of numerous ghosting attempts of people in the cross with Gemma being most successful.
Returned home the next day at 9.30am as russ and shawn had to work. Finally the $200 fine thought had set in and i was negging with a solid head pounding from the mix of Rose' and vodka. Two hours later after a midday siesta and The dude from the Ice Cream shop rang me up wanting me to come in and start work for him. laughing i swiftly accepted the offer and enjoyed my time serving frozen delicacys to babes all afternoon. Its soo funny how things can change that quickly from having no money and a stupid fine of $200 to getting a new job that day and earning $100 for serving ice cream to massive rigs. such a bullshit 24hours. Here is some video footage of the YYY song "Zero" i found on youtube from friday night obviously taken by someone else.. soo fun.
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