I received the above title as a facebook comment yesterday evening. Got me thinking, are women really attracted to that 5minutes of fame... a 2minute clip conversing with a WIN news reporter or a South Coast Register article. Being a single male i'm constantly aware and ever interested in the female psyche. I decided to have a little chat about babes, attracting women and love with 15 year old pipe grom Jackson Zammit.
Jackson Zammit: yer shouldnt u have a missess
Adam Quinn: haha probably
Jackson Zammit: ahah but u gotta find the right 1 or u will hav no time at all
Adam Quinn: haha for sure dude
Jackson Zammit: after this movie i think ya will get 1
Adam Quinn: hahaa whys that?
Jackson Zammit: coz they will see ya in it and think ur mr big movie star boy and yer any money i reackon play ur cards right and u will get 1
Adam Quinn: rad.. i wish thats how it worked
Jackson Zammit: ahah dw u will find 1 if i can get 1 u can get 1
Adam Quinn: yer love hurts aye
Jackson Zammit: haah i get ova it quick ayye
anywayz next time im out pipe i might get my dads camera and do some flimimg
Adam Quinn: sounds epic man ciao
Jackson Zammit: ahah yer anywayz ladd i cya later